[Foundation-l] Fundraising "Bugging for Dollars"

Andrew Whitworth wknight8111 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 18:53:47 UTC 2008

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Screamer <scream at datascreamer.com> wrote:
>  I don't think they were serious, but this sounds like a fine idea.
>  Reposted with permission.  From #wikimedia-tech:
>  [21:43] <kylu> actually, you should change bugzilla... instead of voting
>  for bugs, you donate for them
>  [21:43] <AaronSchulz> and it builds up like a pot, that they get if they
>  implement it
>  Actually, I think this is a grand idea.  Bugging for dollars.  What are
>  the thoughts?

This is an idea that I've seen in other places, and I've seen the word
"microdonation" used with it. Here are some of the rules that I've
seen used with this kind of process:

1) The user has a bug request, and submits that request to bugzilla
2) The user applies a donation to the bug request into a trust. The
trust would have a deadline completion date.
3) Other users may also donate money into a trust for the bug. There
would either be a single global deadline, or each user could
individually select a deadline.
4a) If the feature is implemented, all the donation money which is not
past deadline is given to the developer
4b) If the deadline passes before the bug is implemented, the donation
money is returned to the donors.

This provides very interesting financial incentive for our volunteer
developers. We could also work out some rules regarding our paid
developers (ie, do the paid developers get the money, or would it go
to the foundation, etc). This would certainly require a number of
improvements to bugzilla, and possibly a partnership with some kind of
financial institution that could make it happen.

--Andrew Whitworth

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