[Foundation-l] Volunteer Council - A shot for a resolution

effe iets anders effeietsanders at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 02:07:58 UTC 2008

Not really, this is what happens if you try to summarize too much :) You get
something that is not really correct :) What happens is that there are
several problems and potential problems, and there is a need for a solution.
Most people tend to agree that a VC might be a solution, but disagree on a
lot of details, and even on a few main points. But they *do* agree that a VC
might solve the problems.

So what we did, is we took the core of the very proposals, and wrote that
down. That way, we have something to build on. It is a framework. One that
got through, we go to determine *exactly* how far we want to go with the
authorities, the enforcements, and which purposes exactly should be assigned
to this council. We all have a rough idea I think, but the details (and a
few main lines) have still to be discussed and finalized.

In the resolution proposal, the very main purposes are broadly defined, as I
quoted. So the main purposes would be defined. You can also read that "what
this body is for", referring to the Provisional Council is to come up with a
solid advice to the board regarding such a council in the future and
regarding the interaction amongst these bodies.

I hope that these things cleared out things a bit. Otherwise, I think I can
only suggest first to read [[m:Wikicouncil]] for background information.

Best regards,


2008/3/15, David Gerard <dgerard op gmail.com>:
> On 15/03/2008, effe iets anders <effeietsanders op gmail.com> wrote:
> >  Some of this maybe sounds as empty text, but it is of course more. And
> yes,
> >  this all is quite general. It is not the precise definition you ask
> for. But
> >  you might have noticed from the proposal that this is a preliminary
> council,
> >  that should define the exactly defined purposes (on some of these,
> there is
> >  no 100% agreement yet).
> So, we create the body, then decide what it's actually for?
> - d.

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