[Foundation-l] Volunteer Council - A shot for a resolution

Yaroslav M. Blanter putevod at mccme.ru
Fri Mar 14 15:22:38 UTC 2008

>>  > I'm not sure that's true. It depends on the voting system, but I
>>  > expect there's a way we can get smaller projects represented through
>> a
>>  > general vote. Single Transferable Vote (or a variation of it) might
>>  > work. While a candidate from a small project may not stand much of a
>>  > chance, you'll still get a candidate from a similar project selected
>>  > by a natural grouping of votes (rather than forcing certain projects
>>  > together along arbitrary boundaries). If everyone from a group of
>>  > small projects votes for someone from their project as first choice
>>  > and people from the other projects in the group (this isn't a fixed
>>  > group, just a naturally occurring collection of like minded voters)
>> as
>>  > their other choices, one of the candidates from that group is likely
>>  > to get a seat.
>>  >
>> This is also an option, but I would not call this an "unrestricted vote"
> Why not? In what way is it restricted?
Because not the candidates with the top numbers of votes get elected. Some
votes weight considerably more than the others. But if we are just
discussing semantics, forget about that. As I said, this option I find
quite acceptable.


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