[Foundation-l] Volunteer Council - A shot for a resolution

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 19:29:50 UTC 2008

> However, it has to be able to make general policies which will be
>  applied to all projects. (Not a lot, but enough.) Fully developed
>  Council should deal with content issues which is now a matter of
>  Office, Board and Jimmy -- and which deal only with content on English
>  Wikipedia (if not only, very rarely on other projects); stewards
>  should be Council's (not Board's) body; etc. etc. Everything related
>  to content and community should be a part of Council's job.

I would agree with that in principle (there are details to be ironed
out, but this isn't the time for that).

>  This raises another issue: Some time in the future we would need
>  another body which would deal with content only, while Council should
>  continue to deal only with community matters.

That could be handled by a committee structure within the council
rather than separate bodies. It's an issue to be discussed in a year
or two's time, though, I think.

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