[Foundation-l] LA Times article / Advertising in Wikipedia

Milos Rancic millosh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 13:09:22 UTC 2008

On 3/12/08, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/03/2008, Milos Rancic <millosh at gmail.com> wrote:
>  >  As a community member, I *want* to be asked about content-related
>  >  matters (like licenses are; for which I am *not* asked);
> Really? Commons community worries about the CC 3.0 licenses actually
>  got CC to issue a clarified version in specific response to those
>  concerns; and the Foundation certainly wasn't going to try to force
>  Commons to accept or not accept a given license version.

I said that nobody asked me about intention for switching from GFDL to
CC-BY-SA, which means not only changing the legal code, but changing a
license provider, too. I just saw in my mail Board's resolution. (And
I don't care what CC is doing, I care what WMF Board is doing.)

But, my intention was not to raise this question again, but to compare
for what community has to be asked and for what community's position
should be considered, but shouldn't be mandatory.

> I wouldn't mind ads either, personally, and we could certainly do with
>  the money. But I fear a lot of the community just getting up and
>  *leaving* if we did put ads on.
>  I think (I have no data) that the general public would still love us,
>  but they'd sigh in disappointment. (So they should give us more money
>  then ;-p )

We are promoting search engines on our search page for free. So,
firstly, we should start to take money from them like Mozilla.

After that we may think about other possibilities. And I am sure that
if WMF has ads, it will have enough money to give it to important
contributors. So, everybody would be happy ;)

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