[Foundation-l] Report on board meeting

Florence Devouard Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 09:51:03 UTC 2008

The board had a meeting last week end (on irc).
You'll be surprised, but minutes have been published. You may find them 
here: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Minutes/March_1%2C_2007

I invite you to read the full minutes for complete information on the 
decisions made. Let me cite three of them.

First, please congratulate our new secretary: Domas :-)

Second, please note that Wikimedia Hong Kong and Australia join the 
network of Wikimedia chapters (welcome !). I would love it if the heads 
of both chapters write us a little note, perhaps briefly introducing 
their chapters, the people on their board and what they intend to do in 
the coming year.

Third, the board has asked Sue to do some research and provide a report 
at next board meeting (early april) regarding security issues in Egypt. 
She has confirmed that she will take care of this assignement. I 
consequently suggest that we take a break for the coming month on this 
very issue.

I'll keep you updated on the coming agenda. I have not discussed yet 
with Sue what she needs from the board (to be put on the agenda). Board 
members have expressed the desire that the following topics be discussed
* Annual goals of WMF
* Board and ED role and relationships
* Future landscape of the organization (chapters, council, elections...)
* Report on Wikimania
* Report on a Data Retention Policy (website related - not organization 
related---> ip number, usernames, email etc...), for discussion and approval


Florence Devouard

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