[Foundation-l] Copies of Wikipedia's articles found on Knol

geni geniice at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 17:06:41 UTC 2008

2008/7/28 Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com>:
> Right, I'm not by any means an expert on the licenses (everytime I read
> about them, I look them up again to remind myself what the differences are)
> and it did look to me like the issue was one of relicensing.
> At any rate, they are all licensed appropriately now. Thank you to whoever
> made the suggestion of posting the notice and changing the publication
> option to "All rights reserved."
> Nathan

No read the Terms of service "8.      License to Google." is not
compatible with the GFDL. Same reason you can't upload GFDL content to


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