[Foundation-l] What is on the back of the logo?

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Thu Jul 24 16:18:21 UTC 2008

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Gerard Meijssen
<gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Obviously you can have a word in any sing language for the character "w".
> However, as sign languages are based on signs, there are no words in sign
> languages *using *the character w not do they use the sound that is
> expressed by the w.
Proper nouns are often spelled out in SignWriting.  See
where the word "Sally" is translated into SignWriting (third page,
fourth column, first row).

How is the word "Wikipedia" written in SignWriting?  I figure it's
either spelled out or there's a sign for "wiki".  Probably the latter
in some circles, and the former in others.

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