[Foundation-l] Fwd: Tokipona

Nathan nawrich at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 00:10:54 UTC 2008

Maybe this is an issue that isn't relevant - but how do you address
the question of quality in a conlang project? If there is no native
community and a particularly small "fluent" community in the
constructed language, how do you approach quality control in that
setting? It seems like it would be particularly vulnerable to systemic
bias or other issues of NPOV. Granted, the problem is as small as the
community. But you are arguing that information is valuable no matter
how it is spread and I think the reality is that this is only true for
*accurate* information.

As far as the policy - if, as you have stated, all new project
languages must have an ISO code is this policy excepted for
constructed languages or do we only accept new conlang projects which
have acquired such a code? I should revise my earlier statement that
requiring and ISO code for a new project language is reasonable - its
reasonable as long as the requirements for acquiring such a code are
objective and stringently applied.


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