[Foundation-l] Fwd: Wikimedia Foundation's partnership with Kaltuna and loss of freedom

Michael Noda michael.noda at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 06:51:56 UTC 2008

On Jan 19, 2008 12:07 AM, Mike Godwin <mgodwin at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> What we definitely know is that (c) (the Foundation is engaging in an
> experimental collaboration that may go nowhere, but seemed worth
> trying)  is totally impossible, because (c) would require us to Assume
> Good Faith.

Well, no.  I have full confidence in the good faith of the Foundation
officials who signed off on this.  The crux of the issue is in the
phrase "but seemed worth trying".  The Foundation did; I (for one)
would not have.  I want to understand why this difference exists.  Was
it an imbalance of information (knowledge of the depth of the
community's skepticism of Flash, or conversely, knowledge of Kaltura's
future plans)?  Was it just a difference in judgment?  A different
ordering of priorities?  Any of these, and more, are possible; not one
of them requires me to question anyone's good faith (or for anyone
else to question mine.)

I don't know if the conversation I want to have will let me fully
understand the thoughts of the Foundation on this, but even if it
doesn't, it is worth having.

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