[Foundation-l] Reply to Mark

Oldak Quill oldakquill at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 20:02:22 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

On 26/02/2008, Claudio Mastroianni  wrote:
>  Il giorno 26/feb/08, alle ore 17:45, Florence Devouard ha scritto:
>  > Meeting is saturday.
>  > But to avoid any disappointment Dan... I doubt very much that any sort
>  > of announcement will happen in the subsequent week. Here is why.
>  >
>  > As part of our growth, we must try to be careful to identify what is
>  > the
>  > role of the board, and what is the role of the ED. And to convey the
>  > difference to the community.
>  >
>  >
>  > I'd say that it is within the role of the board to say
>  > "we want a Wikimania every year. This should be a meeting of roughly
>  > 300-400 people, mostly wikimedians; an opportunity to participants to
>  > meet face to face and share experiences, have fun, and bond. Also an
>  > opportunity to push certain agendas, meet with the press, expand the
>  > fan
>  > circle, hear big leaders in the free movement, in the wiki world, in
>  > the
>  > educational system etc... Should propose scholarship. Should be in
>  > various places around the world. As much as possible, should be a cost
>  > free even for the WMF."
>  >
>  > Then, the role of the ED is to make sure that this happens. It is her
>  > job to ensure that the event is successful, financially sound... and
>  > probably that security of participants is taken care of.
>  >
>  > Right now, two situations may happen.
>  > The ED herself might wonder if there might be problems because of
>  > hersay, mails on the list, press, private emails, whatever...
>  > Or the board might wonder if there might be problems.
>  >
>  > If the board thinks there might be problems, the wise thing to do is
>  > for
>  > the board to ask the ED to conduct a study, analyze the risks given
>  > the
>  > latest circonstances, evaluate which steps may be followed to balance
>  > the risk if there is one, do contingency planning, and estimate the
>  > consequences of cancelling or moving the event elsewhere. Naturally,
>  > the
>  > analysis is not fully conducted by Sue, but done with the help of many
>  > parties.
>  >
>  > Then, the ED will present her conclusions to the board, and provide
>  > some
>  > recommandations. Based on the ED recommandations, the board may either
>  > decide to delegate full authority to Sue to make the decision herself,
>  > or the board will take a decision *with* Sue.
>  >
>  > So, what I plan to do Saturday is to ask the board whether they
>  > consider
>  > new circonstances are worth requesting a more straightforward study of
>  > the situation and steps to ensure security. The board can either
>  > dismiss
>  > the issue I raise, or agree to ask for a recommandation from Sue.
>  >
>  > THEN, it will be up to Sue to act. And I doubt she will make any
>  > suggestion in 2-3 days.
> A process ending in September?
>  Question: WHY didn't the Wikimania Grand Chooser Committee  considered
>  all those problems _before_?
>  They were clearly foreseenable.
>  This is the same problem, every year: the choose in unexplicable.

I had taken the 'new circumstances' that Florence talked about to
refer to the images of Muhammad's face, rather than the issues
relating to the safety of homosexuals or women... [Yes, those latter
issues were foreseeable.]

- --
Oldak Quill (oldakquill at gmail.com)
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