[Foundation-l] Board restructuring and community

Florence Devouard Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 28 13:10:21 UTC 2008

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen wrote:
> Florence Devouard wrote:
> <Some very good stuff>
> ...
>> There are many ideas. But only so much time available. And some much 
>> energy. There are two main problems in my view.
>> One is that some board members hardly every communicate with the 
>> community. If these were elected community members, I would dare to say 
>> that this is the responsibility of the community to make sure they elect 
>> members with good communication skills. And the responsibility of the 
>> community to contact the board member if they feel the communication is 
>> not sufficient.
> I don't wish to be rude, but there seems to be a pattern emerging,
> where people joining the board are open and approachable, with good
> communication skills, but when they join it, soon forget these skills
> and clam up. As for community contacting the board to urge more
> communication, I think this what we are exactly doing here.
>> The second is a way to not only communicate with community, but to make 
>> sure that the answer we get is really representative of what the 
>> community think. And not simply the grumbles of 2-3 isolated 
>> individuals. Discussion on this list provides me with good ideas and 
>> allow me to feel very unpopular decisions, but it does not provide me 
>> with a good and accurate measure of what the community really think 
>> globally. Neither would a wikicouncil.
> I think the last point is very well made. However, I do think it is
> wrong to characterize what is happening now (if that is what you
> intend to do) as grumbling by isolated individuals. 

No, current feedback is clearly not grumbling by isolated individuals :-)

When decisions
> coming from the board are wildly unexpected and, frankly, puzzling
> as to their motivations, it is not reasonable to be astonished that
> people are genuinely and honestly puzzled.

I am actually not astonished.

What astonishes me is the lack of reaction on the part of chapters.
I fully expected a backslash from the community, though I thought it 
would be on a different substance somehow.
However, I expected the chapter members to react, if only to share 
interjections such as "how are we going to decide on the representants 
???". The only reaction I saw was the very negative feedback from 
Lodewijk. I am *genuinely and honestly" puzzled by the near absence of 
reaction. I do not know what to think of it.

> Nor is it grumbling to ask for an explanation for a puzzling and
> unexpected, out of the blue, decision, and ask for the backround
> reasoning for the same, on part of the individual board members.

Ok. I think I provided my personal reasonning.
If it was not sufficient, just tell me and I will comment further in a 
few days, AFTER the other board members have commented, and WHEN it is 
time to declare one is a candidate or not for the unique seat for 2008 


> Yours in Wikimedia;
> Jussi-Ville Heiskanen, AKA. Cimon Avaro
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