[Foundation-l] Board-announcement: Board Restructuring

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Mon Apr 28 02:23:26 UTC 2008

Florence Devouard wrote:
> The chapter seats comes from several considerations.
> Essentially, the mission of the WMF is to work in coordination with a 
> network of chapters. The mission is shared between all of our 
> organizations, and the WMF controls certain assets needed by the 
> chapters (trademarks), which made the partnership a certain one-sided 
> collaboration. Providing seats to chapters is both a way to foster a 
> real coordination between all of our organizations, and a way to 
> recognize the chapter role in the great scheme of things.

This may be a laudable long-term goal to aim at, but for the medium 
term, the vast majority of countries are not represented by  a 
chapter---and those regions that do have chapters are already 
disproportionately well-represented. So this will, if anything, tend to 
increase the disparity in representation.

For the record, this is the current chapter distribution:
Europe - 9
East Asia - 2
Middle East - 1
South America - 1
Australia - 1


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