[Foundation-l] policy on languages without native speakers

Crazy Lover always_yours.forever at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 25 02:38:20 UTC 2008

please, see my proposal:
  http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meta_talk:Language_proposal_policy (unique and workable criterion)
  i would be happy to read opinions and suggestions, yours, the Marcus Buck's, and many others

Marcos Cramer <marcos.cramer at gmx.de> wrote:
    Marcus Buck wrote:
> By the way, if I didn't miss any posts in this lengthy threads regarding 
> the language proposal policy, I still didn't get any answers to my 
> proposal on .

I like your rule requiring 1000 real speakers. You're probably right in arguing that it is better to have one rule without exceptions for special cases. So unless someone else in this discussion prefers my proposal to that of Marcus Buck, I retire my proposal and support Marcus' proposal. For me the most important thing at any rate is to get that silly "native" requirement out of the policy, and on that Marcus and me completely agree.

Marcos Cramer

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