[Foundation-l] Wikimedia ADS?

Claudio Mastroianni gattonero at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 08:17:10 UTC 2007

Sorry, is this real or is it a fake edit: http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/ 
index.php?title=Template:Information_thread&diff=prev&oldid=659993 ?

Because it seems to me that this is the antithesis of every wikiproject.
So what?
Why are we Foundation "incubating" such a project?

Gatto Nero
Un wikipediano d'altri tempi

mail: gattonero at gmail.com
-pedia: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utente:Gatto_Nero
-news: http://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Utente:Gatto_Nero
-wmi: http://www.wikimedia.it/index.php/Utente:Gatto_Nero

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