[Foundation-l] [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2008 will happen inAlexandria, Egypt

Brian McNeil brian.mcneil at wikinewsie.org
Wed Oct 10 10:44:43 UTC 2007

effe iets anders wrote:
>If you replace frankfurt with Amsterdam, the hague or Utrecht, I'm fine
>with it :)

I could manage all four. Amsterdam or Frankfurt would also be not too bad
for people on the east coast of the U.S. Flights aren't too bad.

Ideal for me would be Brussels. I live about 15-20km away. Not to mention
that I believe in such a case the EU should be involved in helping fund
something like that.

However, Brussels is an expensive city, and I only know one other Belgian
Wikimedian at all well. I'm sure they exist, but with the country being
essentially split into two language groups there is little cohesion or drive
to set up WMF Belgium.

Personally I'd love to attend at least one Wikimania and give a talk on
Wikinews as an effort to educate and recruit contributors. Alexandria? Send
me a nice knitted ski-mask and I'll rob the bank for funds.


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