[Foundation-l] [EWW] Edit Wikipedia Week

Andrew Gray andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk
Tue Nov 20 18:22:44 UTC 2007

On 20/11/2007, Christiano Moreschi <moreschiwikiman at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>  Absolutely. You're quite right. This is why Wikipedia doesn't work, though.
> At least, not really. Not in providing information anyone can trust, so the
> bigger bibliographies people include, the better. All we can really hope to
> be at the moment is a starting point for people to find lists of reliable
> sources.

Even if this were the case (I don't buy that we have 95% actively
detrimental articles, but let's presume we do) there's no indication
that encouraging more contributors will automatically make things

It's not as though our existing volunteers are abnormally intelligent,
or particularly gifted at writing an encyclopedia; they're just some
people who wound up helping. Why does this indicate the population at
large is going to be worse? We *are* the population at large, we just
want to get a bigger slice of it.

- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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