[Foundation-l] New parser in the works - please help

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sat Nov 17 20:59:59 UTC 2007

On 17/11/2007, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm saying that if they can be (and I agree it's an important issue,
> which is why I mentioned it), then this is not the place it will be -
> it'll need something new in wikitext for old or new parser. That's a
> separate issue from reimplementing the present parser with as many of
> its quirks and flaws as are needed.
> If someone can specify precisely what would allow a naturally-typed ''
> in Neapolitan to just work (without the parser flagging it as toggling
> italics) in a way that could go into the old parser, without breaking
> anything else, I expect good code would go in in the usual manner. And
> the specification of how to make '' work properly without breaking
> anything else would be a definite asset to the new parser grammar. So
> (I presume, not being a dev) what's needed now to solve the '' problem
> is good new code.

Actually, I may be wrong - wikitext-l's full description is
"MediaWiki's parser and syntax", so it might in fact be a good place
to raise important missing features like a '' that Just Works.

Again, though, I expect the first thing for a new feature like this is
to specify what you want the parser to do to pick it up that doesn't
trigger "toggle italics." I recall the discussion on wikitech-l being
very annoyed at how complicated the apostrophe-handling code is ...

So: describe precisely what's needed, file a bug (and ideally a code
patch) and mention it on wikitext-l :-)

And are there any other missing features that would greatly benefit
some languages? Same goes for them.

- d.

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