[Foundation-l] Fundraiser - Sitenotice

Elisabeth Anderl n9502784 at students.meduniwien.ac.at
Sun Nov 11 14:35:49 UTC 2007

Dear Madams and Sirs,
I would like to suggest that the Centralnotice gets a link to 
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2007/Text_for_sitenotice from 
the untranslated form, since it can't be translated locally and not 
everyone knows of the possibility to translate it on Meta.

Furthermore I would like to express my regret, that lots of 
"MediaWiki:Centralnotice-meter/xx" are not created even though 
translated. (this notice is shown, if the sitenotice is minimized)
In my humble opinion speaking to people in their own language is a 
better approach.
If it is not possible to create all those graphics due to technical 
problems, I think we should provide something different than the current 
meter, e.g. making a graphic without text, or having the text on the 
right or left of it.

We are supporting many languages and in my opinion we should reflect 
that also in the actual Fundraiser.

Thank You, best regards,

Elisabeth Anderl (aka spacebirdy)

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