[Foundation-l] Moldovan Wikipedia

Dan Rosenthal swatjester at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 22:47:16 UTC 2007

And that makes is conclusion wrong how? If the content is not  
actually different....

-Dan Rosenthal
On Nov 8, 2007, at 5:18 PM, GerardM wrote:

> Hoi,
> You are wrong, the Romanian Wikipedia is in the Latin script.. the  
> Moldovan
> is not, consequently your conclusion does not follow from your  
> argument.
> Thanks,
>      Gerard
> On Nov 8, 2007 6:54 PM, Thomas Goldammer <thogol at googlemail.com>  
> wrote:
>> Since it doesn't have content different from the Romanian wiki
>> (probably with some exceptions but anyway), it can easily be deleted.
>> (Maybe interested people should get time to make a copy if they
>> haven't yet done.)
>> Regards,
>> Thogo.
>> ----------
>> 2007/11/8, Johannes Rohr <jorohr at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> the Moldovan Wikipedia at http://mo.wikipedia.org has now been  
>>> locked
>> for
>>> almost a year (last modification of the main page is dated 16  
>>> November
>>> 2006). When you hit alt+shift+e, you are presented a message saying,
>> this
>>> Wikipedia is locked "for now". The main page has no explanation
>>> whatsoever why this wiki is locked, it doesn't even say /that/ it  
>>> is.
>>> In 2006, community members proposed the closure of this wiki for a
>> number
>>> of reasons, the discussion is available at
>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_closing_projects/ 
>> Closure_of_Moldovan_Wikipedia
>>> To sum up the reasons presented by the proposers:
>>> - Moldovan is identical with Romanian, it is just a different  
>>> name for
>>> the same language;
>>> - The Moldovan Wikipedia is in the Cyrillic script, which is not  
>>> used
>>> in Moldova, except for the breakaway republic of Transnistria,  
>>> where it
>>> is used in schools, but only because it is forcibly imposed by the
>>> Russian-speaking government. (see
>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3631436.stm)
>>> - The Moldovan Wikipedia contains almost no original content, most
>>> articles are transliterations from the Romanian edition,
>>> - While it was active, it had virtually no native contributors,  
>>> the main
>>> author wrote in dictionary-aided broken Romanian.
>>> Now, what we have since the database was locked a year ago is an
>>> uneditable project with several thousand pages. This is quite  
>>> obviously
>>> not a good thing, not least because it makes interwiki conflicts
>>> unfixable.
>>> I feel that this situation is not sustainable and should be  
>>> resolved in
>>> one way or another.
>>> Personally I am in favour of starting a formal proposal for the  
>>> deletion
>>> of this wiki, similar to the one regarding the Siberian Wikipedia  
>>> (see
>>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Deletion_of_Siberian_Wikipedia ).
>>> If there are any other opionions or suggestions, I am looking  
>>> forward to
>>> reading them.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Johannes
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