[Foundation-l] Moldovan Wikipedia

Thomas Goldammer thogol at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 8 17:54:13 UTC 2007

Since it doesn't have content different from the Romanian wiki
(probably with some exceptions but anyway), it can easily be deleted.
(Maybe interested people should get time to make a copy if they
haven't yet done.)

2007/11/8, Johannes Rohr <jorohr at gmail.com>:
> Hi everyone,
> the Moldovan Wikipedia at http://mo.wikipedia.org has now been locked for
> almost a year (last modification of the main page is dated 16 November
> 2006). When you hit alt+shift+e, you are presented a message saying, this
> Wikipedia is locked "for now". The main page has no explanation
> whatsoever why this wiki is locked, it doesn't even say /that/ it is.
> In 2006, community members proposed the closure of this wiki for a number
> of reasons, the discussion is available at
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_closing_projects/Closure_of_Moldovan_Wikipedia
> To sum up the reasons presented by the proposers:
> - Moldovan is identical with Romanian, it is just a different name for
> the same language;
> - The Moldovan Wikipedia is in the Cyrillic script, which is not used
> in Moldova, except for the breakaway republic of Transnistria, where it
> is used in schools, but only because it is forcibly imposed by the
> Russian-speaking government. (see
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3631436.stm)
> - The Moldovan Wikipedia contains almost no original content, most
> articles are transliterations from the Romanian edition,
> - While it was active, it had virtually no native contributors, the main
> author wrote in dictionary-aided broken Romanian.
> Now, what we have since the database was locked a year ago is an
> uneditable project with several thousand pages. This is quite obviously
> not a good thing, not least because it makes interwiki conflicts
> unfixable.
> I feel that this situation is not sustainable and should be resolved in
> one way or another.
> Personally I am in favour of starting a formal proposal for the deletion
> of this wiki, similar to the one regarding the Siberian Wikipedia (see
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Deletion_of_Siberian_Wikipedia ).
> If there are any other opionions or suggestions, I am looking forward to
> reading them.
> Thanks,
> Johannes

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