[Foundation-l] Google Webmaster Tools and Foundation projects

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 00:05:14 UTC 2007

On Nov 2, 2007 8:00 PM, Brian <Brian.Mingus at colorado.edu> wrote:
> I've been encouraging the Foundation to release a subset of the data they
> collect for years. As a body, they seem reluctant to develop a consistent
> policy. Therefore, I don't consider this reasoning broken. They don't want
> to develop the policies, so this is another way that we can proceed with
> releasing to the public a significant subset of the statistics relating to
> how people access the site.

The fact that someone else collected it then privately gave it to
Wikimedia wouldn't release Wikimedia from having to behave

Not that I think there is any privacy issue with data like 'top search queries'

> I'm also not sure about the current state of the
> statistics gathering at the Foundation. In the past, those logs were deleted
> immediately, although I know some other work has gone on.

I did tell you that we already have the search query data, did I not?

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