[Foundation-l] [Fwd: Re: business developer hire - whose decision?]

Florence Devouard anthere at anthere.org
Sat May 19 13:30:59 UTC 2007

I am sorry Anthony, but I actually answered to your question, but the 
email did not make it to the list. This is something that regularly 
happens with my emails to the lists, I have no idea why. I asked the 
tech team, but they have no idea. I find the emails on my sent box, but 
they do not make their way to the list. I wish I knew...

Anyway, here was the original answer to your question. To be more 
precise on that matter, I sent an email to Carolyn on the 30th of april, 
asking if we could register to http://www.afpnet.org/about_afp.
She answered to this email mentionning that she was thinking of hiring 
Vishal as a contractant, to help on business, fundraising and 
sponsorship. Vishal intern time was nearly over, she was happy with the 
work he provided, and we need to replace Danny in some respects. He was 
living about a week later. She joined his resume. We had a couple of 
exchange on the matter (salary etc...).

I put the issue on the agenda of the following board meeting (2nd of 
may). Presents were: Eloquence, Anthere, Kat Walsh, Jan-Bart , oscar and 
There was no opposition voiced. The board asked that a job description 
be provided. Michael recommanded that he be a part time employee rather 
than a contractant.

Why did I announce him ? First because I think it is polite. Second 
because due to the type of job he will do, it is important the community 
knows he is part of the staff.

For the other answer, please see below.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: business developer hire - whose decision?
Date: 	Sat, 19 May 2007 00:38:39 +0200
From: 	Florence Devouard <Anthere9 at yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: 	gmane.org.wikimedia.foundation
References: 	<71cd4dd90705181122r4bb9fe8fgab40b51e7974770c at mail.gmail.com>

Anthony wrote:
 > On 5/17/07, Florence Devouard 
<Anthere9-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org> wrote:
 >> We just hired Vishal Pattel as part-time business developer.
 > Was this a board resolution, an agreement by consensus of all board
 > members, or an act made by one or more individuals?
 > Looking at http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Resolutions very
 > quickly, I don't see anything in the headings regarding the hire of a
 > business developer.
 > Anthony

This is agreed by board and Carolyn who proposed to hire him.
In the future, asap there is an ED, it will be the job of the ED to hire
staff (or to delegate hiring to some staff members). The job of the
board will only be to hire ED.


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