[Foundation-l] Future Board election procedures and guidelines

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 21:04:10 UTC 2007

> > It was luck. It's simply a result of which people happened to vote. If
> > you get a large enough turnout, the error caused by the people voting
> > not being a representative sample of the whole electorate becomes
> > insignificant. We didn't get a large enough turnout.
> I think that luck is one interpretation.  Another interpretation is
> that a large number of people who only know the candidates by general
> reputation thought they all sounded fine, and voted for this group,
> and that people closer to the community actually did have a
> preference and expressed it.  The general public votes more or less
> washed out, due to lack of information, and the "insider" votes
> swayed the election.
> OR
> The insider votes were swamped by noise from outsiders, or by non-
> rational preferences based on order on the ballot or whatever.
> We just don't know.  I think it is not safe to assume either luck or
> expression of preference.

Just to clarify, I mean who out of the candidates that were all within
37 votes of 3rd place won the seat was luck. The top 2 won cleanly. I
don't think there is any alternative to describing it as luck. And
significant demographic will have more than 37 voters in it, so you
can't explain it by what kind of people vote to who.

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