[Foundation-l] Wikipedia:Office Actions

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Sat Jul 14 19:37:14 UTC 2007

Brad Patrick wrote:
> As an aside, Delirium, if your understanding of organizational structure is
> so profoundly lacking as to not see what the significance of having a
> legally existing Foundation is (and mind you, it already has existed for a
> few years), I strongly suggest you divert some of your online energies to
> learning about non-profit corporations before weighing in further.  WMF is
> long past anarchy.  Sorry if that isn't welcome news to you.

Since your reply didn't quote a message of mine, and I haven't posted in 
this thread since April, I'm not quite sure what prompted this attack.

My position on the Foundation is that it *is* important, but as a means 
to an end, the end being to support the community creating and 
distributing free content, not as some thing in itself.  I have nowhere 
objected to having a legally existing Foundation; on the contrary, I've 
mentioned Software in the Public Interest (which is a legally existing 
Foundation) as a reasonably good model of a legal entity that supports a 
community-based free-content project.


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