[Foundation-l] Wikimedia Pennsylvania

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Tue Jul 10 19:54:25 UTC 2007

Brion Vibber wrote:

>Ray Saintonge wrote:
>>>One sensible thing might be to use subdomains under wikimedia.us:
>>>pa.wikimedia.us, il.wikimedia.us, etc? :)
>>Using the .us domain did cross my mind.  Can you explain why 
>>pa.wikimedia.us would be preferable to wikimedia.pa.us?
>The state/locality subdomains of .us aren't really used very much these
>days, and it's not entirely clear how to go about registering in them. :)
Thanks.  This seems unlike the Canadian situation where holding the 
national level domain name, wikimedia.ca, gives me the right to 
authorize provincial sub-domains.  Originally registering a provincial 
sub-domain would block others from that national domain, but not from 
the sub-domain for a different province.


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