[Foundation-l] for the future...

Dan Rosenthal swatjester at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 15:13:21 UTC 2007

The results are already biased. The most popular project has one of  
the lowest turnouts. And not to mention, other projects have been  
campaigning for quite some time now.


On Jul 5, 2007, at 9:52 AM, Peter van Londen wrote:

> offlist?
> The results for this voting will be biassed, because of this action of
> yours. I sincerely doubt if the results can be accepted. In most  
> countries
> it is forbidden to campaign on election day.....
> Next time you have a good idea, please make sure that it will be  
> fair for
> all and think and propose *before* you act. Your intentions might  
> have been
> fair, the results of your actions are not.
> I always thought that the best persons should be on the board, not the
> representatives of the strongest project; in the end it all turns  
> out to be
> political.... I always hoped that wikimedia would have grown beyond  
> that.
> Too bad.
> Kind regards, Londenp
> 2007/7/4, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com>:
>> [offlist]
>> Hi David. As always, thanks for the clue hammer.
>> On 7/4/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> We have a header at the top of each page, that's enough.
>>>> Why would people need more?
>>> Because, as has been discussed at length in this thread, it's (a)
>>> inadequate (b) was demonstrably misleading *in practice*.
>> Comparative effectiveness:
>> http://myrandomnode.dyndns.org/votes.png
>> I took action at around 400,000 seconds.. but I guess I don't have to
>> tell you that.
>> I have a slight concern that we may end up a bit English heavy in the
>> results.. but not much of one: If enwiki had the same relative  
>> turnout
>> percentage as DE enwiki would be around 70% of the voters.... and
>> we're currently a long way from that.
>> I have no idea what the election outcome will be... which is far less
>> than I knew when turnout was really miserable. I don't know how these
>> people will vote, since as far as I can tell this is the first time a
>> lot of them have ever been asked about how we run things (most of the
>> eligible don't participate much in the normal community drama)...
>> I do know that is has been a wild ride.
>> Cheers.
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