[Foundation-l] Don't waste your vote!

Søren Kiersted wisewisard at googlemail.com
Sun Jul 1 01:19:47 UTC 2007

On 6/30/07, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:
> Alison is talking about how one makes their choice of who to vote for,
> she isn't talking about how the voting system works. Approval voting
> is just a yes/no vote on each candidate and the one(s) with the most
> yes's (or least no's, it is, indeed, the same thing) wins. If you
> really hate one candidate, your best bet is to vote for everyone
> except that candidate.

This would only be true if you had no idea who else had a chance of
winning. Even without the pre-election we are not so foolish.

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