[Foundation-l] Fair Use (again)

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 07:52:07 UTC 2007

Ray Saintonge schreef:
> Gerard Meijssen wrote:
>> Andrew Gray schreef:
>>> On 30/01/07, teun spaans <teun.spaans at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Does this imply that an Italian chapter could be sued for fair use images on
>>>> the english wiki?
>>> It has been an absolute principle that Chapters Are Not Responsible In
>>> any Way For The Projects. They're associated bodies, but there should
>>> never be any implication they're publishers.
>> Hoi,
>> It is OUR principle that this is the case. It does not mean that a judge 
>> will see it that way. In Germany we have already had the German chapter 
>> in court because of content on the German language Wikipedia.
> That had nothing to do with copyright, and we won anyways.
That it did have anything to do with copyright nor that we won has 
anything to do with the fact that the German chapter had to be in court 
because of the *content *of the German Wikipedia. It destroys the notion 
that our absolute principle is respected by the laws of the countries we 
have a chapter in.


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