[Foundation-l] Fundraising and site notice

Rory Stolzenberg rory096 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 16:51:20 UTC 2007

On 1/7/07, Anthere <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> However, the decision to not have the firm a matching donor was more
> technical. They will not be called matching donor, but they will still
> give a hand. So there is no loss of support.

Just because they're going to give us money doesn't mean that they're going
to give as much money as we otherwise would have gotten. The stats show
that, on days where there were notices that announced matching donations,
there was a clear uptick in donations. Without matching donations, there are
very few donations at all. The amount donated per day has been going
steadily downward, and now we're getting only a fraction of what we were
getting during the time when the anonymous person was matching donations.
See http://fundraising.wikimedia.org/en/fundcore/browse/2007/1 and

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