[Foundation-l] Clearing up Wikimedia's media licensing policies (some important points)

Jeff Raymond jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com
Thu Feb 8 19:15:17 UTC 2007

Kat Walsh wrote:

> It is definitely the case that there are a lot of images being used on
> enwiki that shouldn't be. Partially because it is a divisive issue and
> partially because many people simply do not know what the rules are.
> Estimating how many those are would be nearly impossible... but it is
> enough to keep a large group of people busy for quite some time.
> (Side note, as I think from previous experience that I need to make
> this clear: this is not license to be a jerk when deleting images, and
> on the flip side you do not have license to accuse someone deleting
> these images of doing so to be a jerk. Treat each other with courtesy
> and understanding, darn it.)

This is what I'm personally concerned about.  I recall the "call to arms"
about our "spam issue" that resulted in 40-something articles on cookies
being deleted on en and causing a protracted situation that could have
easily been avoided.  I'm hoping the Foundation can keep the inevitable
reactions of some people on BOTH sides of the issue in mind when crafting
this final statement, or whatever it ends up being.


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