[Foundation-l] Erik's New Job

Andrew Whitworth wknight8111 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 01:35:16 UTC 2007

> Most executive level positions are not advertised.  Some do not
> involve any wider search at all, but top-down recruitment efforts.
> This is normal.  There's nothing improper about it at all.
> ...
> Real world hiring is mixtures of open searches, private searches, and
> private selections.
> We also don't factually know that Sue didn't conduct a private search.
>  You're assuming that.  All we do know is that there wasn't a public
> search.

What bothers me the most about this whole issue is the fact that it
was kept a secret despite the inherent openness of this community. We
are, ideologically, a very open community. Just because something is
acceptable in the "real world" of business doesnt mean that it's a
practice that we should be engaging in. What I have yet to hear is an
explanation as to why things were done the way they were, and I have
also yet to hear either a confirmation or denial about whether Erik
and Sue had prior knowledge of this deal. I don't want to say there is
anything wrong with it if there was a plan in place to do this, but
there is a problem with trying to keep the whole thing a secret. Maybe
Sue did conduct a private search, maybe she didn't, we certainly don't
know. The problem, of course, is that we don't know because nobody is
bothering to tell us. What exactly is the harm in saying "Sue is
looking to appoint a deputy ED, She is considering hiring Erik for the
job, if he accepts he will have to resign from the board"?

We are an organization that prides the freedom of knowledge and
information. Secrecy and back-room dealings are contra to our goals
and methods. Appointing Erik or any other community members or board
members to any paid positions are certainly in Sue's ability, but  the
manner in which the community is being kept informed is hardly
acceptable. A little honest communication really goes a long way, and
the board members and staff members need to know that.

--Andrew Whitworth

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