[Foundation-l] Foundation Discretion Regarding Personnel Matters

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 18:48:23 UTC 2007

On 16/12/2007, Andrew Whitworth <wknight8111 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2007 8:44 PM, Jon Harald Søby <jhsoby at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thomas Dalton, can you please stop wasting our lawyer's time and patience
> > with your constant nit-picking? You are not achieving anything by this.
> >
> > In fact, I would like to ask the list administrators to put you on
> > moderation if this continues. Seriously, grow up.
> I agree entirely, this entire inquisition here is inappropriate. The
> WMF doesnt have a policy about performing mandatory background checks
> on it's employees, so there is no reason to expect them to know all
> the details about the lives of all their employees. If the foundation
> did not know "this", it's because of a failure on the part of Ms.
> Doran to tell them such pertinent information.
> No money is missing, nobody knew about her record, there is no reason
> we should have expected anybody to have known anything, and the WMF
> did a decent job in responding to the story when they were alerted to.
> Any allegations of wrong doing or "gross negligence" are unreasonable
> and completely unfounded.

You're not even reading what I'm saying, are you? I was *defending*
the WMF by pointing out that they didn't know in advance, then Mike
comes along and contradicts me suggesting that they in fact did. If
they didn't know, it's really not their fault, but if they did,
failure to do anything about it is gross incompetence.

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