[Foundation-l] [Commons-l] Requirements for a strong copyleft license

Brad Patrick bradp.wmf at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 22:22:12 UTC 2007

The lawyers among us, more than anything, want the clearest explanation of
the different use cases to cover the scenarios the community will deal with
on a daily basis.  The nitty-gritty of the legalese will be debated
endlessly by lawyers, no matter what the scenarios - that comes with the

The consensus view (to the extent possible) should simply and elegantly
describe how these bits are expected to come together in an intuitive,
simple-to-understand way.  CC made great progress with its licenses in the
first place with simple memes which explain how to accomplish the lion's
share of licensing activities.  The same should be true at this stage.

When WMF/CC initially talked through these issues almost a year ago, it
became clear a consensus view could not be achieved in a short timeframe.
Consensus-building takes lots of good-faith communication.  I applaud those
providing examples of scenarios which will have real impacts on a large
scale.  Please keep building the list of situations.  The lawyers can parse
it out.  But the community needs to build a shared understanding of what the
outcomes will be.


> As non-lawyers, we should figure out what is that we want to do and what
> we think would be best for our community first without getting caught up
> in legal minutiae we don't understand.  Once we've done that, our
> lawyers can then tell us what the best ways to proceed are what the
> trade-offs will entail.
> Regards,
> Mako
> --
> Benjamin Mako Hill
> mako at atdot.cc
> http://mako.cc/
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