[Foundation-l] Requirements for a strong copyleft license

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Sun Dec 2 13:01:07 UTC 2007

On Dec 2, 2007 7:11 AM, Delphine Ménard <notafishz at gmail.com> wrote:
> To me the points are:
> - It is hereby resolved that:
>     * The Foundation requests that the GNU Free Documentation License
> be modified in the fashion proposed by the FSF to allow migration by
> mass collaborative projects to the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license;
> => The whole resolution is in any case submitted to the changes
> brought to the GFDL.
>     * Upon the announcement of that relicensing, the Foundation will
> initiate a process of community discussion and voting before making a
> final decision on relicensing.
> => If that relicensing (actually, I find the term relicensing is very
> misleading here, because it seems to say that relicensing will happen
> and THEN the dicussion will come.) or rather, in my interpretation, if
> those "changes are applied" or this "migration is made possible", THEN
> there will be community discussion and the Foundation will ultimately
> vote on whether the projects will adopt CC-BY-SA in the future.
I was also confused by this wording.  If the GFDL is modified, how
does the WMF even have a choice whether or not to accept the

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