[Foundation-l] A modest proposal: ads on wikipedia.com

Jean-Baptiste Soufron jbsoufron at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 02:20:36 UTC 2007

Yeah what a great idea.

What a useless foundation to end up in creating an ad-sponsored  
encyclopedia ! The youtube of content !

Face it : there is no need for money, except for the amount of money  
needed to create the illusion that the foundation serve a purpose.

The only goal the foundation should concentrate its energy on is  
making wikipedia more free... not trying to find business models that  
do not exist.

But go on : you will generate the money you actually would not need  
to spend if there were no foundation in the first place.

And you will really put an end to the beautiful experience that it was.



Le 23 avr. 07 à 01:41, David Gerard a écrit :

> How about using the old domain, wikipedia.com, as a site for stable
> Wikipedia versions, with ads on? The ad money, as well as paying our
> comparatively small hosting and staff costs, could go toward
> educational programmes for those people who could benefit from our
> hard work but *aren't* comfortable, well-fed first-world citizens.
> (As far as I can tell, pretty much all opposition to ads on Wikimedia
> comes from people who are in fact comfortable, well-fed first-world
> citizens. I eagerly await news and demographics otherwise.)
> - d.
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