[Foundation-l] what do we do in the event the Foundation fails? - Re: Pol...

Delphine Ménard notafishz at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 23:10:00 UTC 2007

On 4/19/07, daniwo59 at aol.com <daniwo59 at aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 4/18/2007 6:56:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> Anthere9 at yahoo.com writes:
> Delphine's angle is from the Foundation point of  view.

> And that is exactly what Kelly and I are saying should be protected. The
> content, i.e., community,. will always be there. In fact, that should the
> Foundation point of view.

I would be grateful to all of you for not putting words or opinions
into my mouth.

My point of view was to say that yes, I agree that the "assets" (with
the legal twist to it) ie. trademarks and domain names of the
Foundation must be protected. And yes, I agree that they are the thing
that are *worth* money today and make the Foundation

But that NO, if the Foundation comes to pass, they are not the things
that in the long run will make a free encyclopedia go on. In that,
their value is limited, at least in time. And the Foundation should
not forget to make sure the content stays free, and that the community
agrees with the mission.

Hope this makes my point of view clearer, sorry if it wasn't before.

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