[Foundation-l] elections

daniwo59 at aol.com daniwo59 at aol.com
Mon Apr 9 13:18:03 UTC 2007

I would be very saddened to see smaller projects join together as caucuses,  
as this would promote the kind of factionalism that should not exist in any  
board, let alone our board.  Furthermore, it ignores the real role of the  
Board, which is to "keep the lights on" and ensure that the Foundation is  
financially sustainable. It is not to decide how any particular project or  projects 
are run. 
In a message dated 4/9/2007 9:12:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  
birgitte_sb at yahoo.com writes:

I agree  with Lodewijk in this.  If smaller projects
want to form caucuses and  vote together, they can do
so naturally.  Not by someone assigning  "alliances"
from above.  It was already suggested at the  last
election that the Wikisoures vote together, and I
imagine it will  be a more mature idea this time
around.  Certainly I expect there will  be some sort of
caucus-type discussion involving at least people  from
the english, french and ws.org.  And the effort might
end up  being more widely organized.

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