[Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Wikimedia Board Elections

Anthere Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 21 09:24:27 UTC 2006

Angela wrote:
> On 9/21/06, oscar <oscar.wiki at gmail.com> wrote:
>>yesterday a friend of mine gave me this (script-generated) counting of votes
>>cast over the languages in the various projects so far
> I think this partly reflects the number of candidates per language. I
> remember checking this for the earlier elections and seeing that a
> candidate in a language increased the number of voters above what
> you'd expect if the number of votes had any relation to the number of
> editors. It's to be expected that people be more interested in voting
> if they know at least one candidate, even if they don't want to vote
> for that candidate.
> The top 6 are the 6 with candidates who speak that language:
> english - 1003 (10 candidates)
> german - 320  (2 candidates)
> french - 124 (1 candidate)
> dutch - 101 (1 candidate)
> spanish - 89 (1 candidate)
> finnish - 52 (1 candidate)
> Angela

For reference for the (relatively) new comers

Here is a graph for participation in 2004: 

Note, there was a chinese candidate): 11 votes

Same in 2005 : 

Note, there were 89 votes from french speaking project in 2004 (compare 
to figures this year. The community increased greatly in two years, but 
votes are hardly more numerous. Hmmm, well, actually, I believe most 
french editors do not know the french candidate :-)

fr: ~89 (2004) - 106 (2005) - 124 (2006)
en: ~238 (2004) - 726 (2005) - 1003 (2006)
ja: ~18 (2004) - 19 (2005) - 38 (2006)

Japanese lack of participation was also noted last year and we got some 
explanation from Aphaia. Apparently, it is not only lack of knowledge of 
candidate, lack of ja candidate, but also a cultural issue.

Kuddos for the turkish !!!


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