[Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Wikimedia Board Elections

Delphine Ménard notafishz at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 13:01:03 UTC 2006

On 9/19/06, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 19/09/06, Anthere <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > David Gerard wrote:
> > > Would this sort of thinking be why it's almost impossible for someone
> > > from en: to become a steward these days?
> > Do you have facts and names to assert that claim David ?
> This question was answered on the comcom list a month ago, when
> someone asserted stewards from en: were a majority. To quote someone
> else's reply then: "There are 18 active stewards.  Four are from en.
> Four out of eighteen is not a majority.  (For the record, there are
> two from fr, two from nl, and one each from es, no, it, ro, zh, it,
> and ja.)" You participated in the thread in question, so could have
> found the message in question as easily as I just did.

These are facts, but they do not go to support your assertion, which was:
"It's almost impossible for someone from en: to become a steward".

The fact that :en stewards are not a majority in the current
composition of the pool of stewards does not give an explanation of
why you would say that it is "almost impossible".


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