[Foundation-l] Use of Wikimedia-Logo's in articles

Tuvic tuvic.tuvic at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 19:26:04 UTC 2006

> It's probably not a violation of the GFDL, any more than Red Hat
> putting proprietary works onto a Red Hat Linux CD violates the GPL
> (which it doesn't).
> There also doesn't seem to be any guidance from the foundation, so
> that leaves it up to each project to decide for itself, I suppose...

Ok, that would be nice. Only a little vote and we can move on.

> You've just described what we call "with permission images" that are
> removed on sight these days.

Damn, not nice any more :-( Bye-Bye, vote!

>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cvutan.png
> I really like this. :-)

That's not quite what I had in mind when I was talking about the logo's :-)

So, it seems like nobody actually knows exactly what is allowed or what not.
Use will probably be permitted by the Foundation (can they sue themselves
for using it in an article?), but reuse of forking could be problematic,
which is against Wikipedia idealogy.

Also, is it deliberate that the Board is silent, or do they just didn't
notice this thread. (stupid question to ask: either way, I won't receive
answer :-)).

Greeting, Tuvic

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