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Alphax (Wikipedia email) alphasigmax at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 12:56:40 UTC 2006

Andrew Gray wrote:
> On 26/09/06, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
>> To what extent is this true under US law?
>> The claim to ownership of a scan from 1665 is odious. Perhaps it's just me.
> Do remember, of course, that only a trivial proportion of these works
> are from 1665! Nothing published in the last seventy years is likely
> to be safely out of copyright (as new scientific material is rarely
> posthumous, and scientific journals don't tend to go in for reprints
> of old stuff), and you have to go back to about 1860-70 before you're
> safe assuming PD without checking the author's details.
> (Before that, or for any where you can be sure as to when the author
> died - transcribe away, Macduff...)

... so are we allowed to upload them to Commons while we're waiting?

Alphax - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Alphax
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