[Foundation-l] The Foundation is not a wiki (was Re: RfC: Key priorities for my work)

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 24 21:20:53 UTC 2006

--- Delirium <delirium at hackish.org> wrote:
> Now of course the Board doesn't actually control the community, only the 
> legal foundations and servers, but if a group of essentially outsiders 
> became a majority and chose to take it in a direction the community 
> disagreed with, it would cause significant chaos as the community would 
> be forced to waste time either pushing back against them or 
> forking---always a possibility, but a disruptive one that results in a 
> lot of needless delay in progress.
> We have something like tens of thousands of Wikipedians (hundreds of 
> thousands?), so I'm skeptical that the skills we're looking for don't 
> exist anywhere in our community.

The question I was answering from Angela was concerned with the issue of using community voting vs
appointment to expand the board. I was NOT advocating bringing in outsiders to serve on the board
(that is what the advisory board is for). Our community is huge and of course we have most if not
all of the expertise needed. But to ensure we have that expertise on the board, we either need to
appoint some members or have elections for roles that require candidates to have appropriate
credentials and experience (not unlike electing judges or district attorneys in the U.S.). 

-- mav 

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