[Foundation-l] [Wikipedia-l] contents under education/information licenses

David Monniaux David.Monniaux at free.fr
Tue Nov 21 16:27:02 UTC 2006

Gregory Maxwell a écrit :
> When I pointed out that material related to the ESA should be Free I
> wasn't attempting to make some grand argument about freedom, but
> rather a more pragmatic reflection on the nature of space programs:
> They aren't in business to generate pretty pictures,
That's exactly one of the problems. Since their line of work is building 
launchers and the like,
they've largely off-loaded the tasks of taking pictures and maintaining 
pictures databases to
external contractors. Also, since their job is not to provide a database 
of pictures free for
advertisers to use, they buy the rights to these pictures from the 
external contractors only for
information and education purposes. Buying them for all possible 
commercial uses, even if
possible, would be more costly and wouldn't be in their scope of work.

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