[Foundation-l] Foundation logo : pain and suffering

Alphax (Wikipedia email) alphasigmax at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 03:51:49 UTC 2006

SJ wrote:
> This has caused me pain and suffering for some time, as some of you
> know, but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere in public since the
> dawn of logotime: The WMF logo is asymmetric.  most notably the green
> region, but also the blue (varying width, inner and outer rings not
> quite parallel).   As long as the newly revisited commons logo is
> being considered
> Can this be fixed?  Should it be?  Does this asymmetry cause just
> enough subliminal disjuncture that it sticks in peoples mind?  ...and
> causes them to do crazy things?  ...and causes them to run out and
> snap free-content photos of celebrities?

Oh come on, it's not as bad as the Mediawiki logo... :)

Alphax - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Alphax
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"We make the internet not suck" - Jimbo Wales
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