[Foundation-l] Wikimedia main office

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Wed May 31 16:16:05 UTC 2006

Kelly Martin wrote:

>On 5/25/06, Erik Zachte <erikzachte at infodisiac.com> wrote:
>>To name just one example: Nairobi would be a capable host city.
>Except that to be non-profit in the US, you have to have an office in the US....
Fair enough, but that doesn't mean that we have to go out and rent a 
physical office. A corner of someone's basement is enough as long as 
there is a physical address where the post office can leave official mail.

Other countries have similar laws too.  They frown on the collection of 
tax relieved charitable donations which are exported for use in another 


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