[Foundation-l] Serbia and Montenegro

Finne Boonen finne at cassia.be
Thu May 25 13:23:57 UTC 2006

On 5/24/06, Erik Moeller <eloquence at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/24/06, Daniel Mayer <maveric149 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > What would be neat,
> > however, would be the existence of a supra-national organization that could coordinate the
> > activities of different national chapters in the same region. Wikimedia Europa, for example,
> > and/or even smaller coordinating bodies such as Wikimedia Balkans.
> That was my first thought, too, but I don't think this direction is
> necessarily right. First of all, you end up with another legal body
> with another to-be-(s)elected group of representatives: more
> bureaucracy. More importantly, cooperations between chapters are
> likely going to be an "ad hoc" thing:
> - "Let's have an Eastern Europe meeting."
> - "Let's cooperate between DE and AT for a media campaign."
> - "Let's start a metadata project for digitized documents in Croatian
> and Serbian."
> - "Let's approach a Commonwealth organization for a grant."
> They can be derived from languages, regions, political associations,
> history, personal contacts, etc. Unless you want "meta-organizations"
> that model all these potential points of contact between chapters, I
> think what is really needed is simply efficient cross-chapter
> communication. In cases where you would want to say "Organized by
> Wikimedia Europe", you can instead say "Organized by the Wikimedia
> chapters of Europe". Where you need a single central organization to
> receive money, you can use the WMF.
> Is there a real need for anything else?

There might be at some point a need for a common european chapter if
we deal with eu institutions, but that would prolly be more a lobby


"Maybe you knew early on that your track went from point A to B, but
unlike you I wasn't given a map at birth!" Alyssa, "Chasing Amy"

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