[Foundation-l] Wolf Mountain MediaWiki Appliances Released

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 21:49:16 UTC 2006

On 7/26/06, geni <geniice at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/26/06, Jeffrey V. Merkey <jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com> wrote:
> > And one more thing. If we are truly going to challenge google and yahoo
> > at some point for internet search engine supremecy, this is the path to go.
> No real reseason to do that. In any case the Open Directory Project
> has been going since 1998 (about the same length as google) and has
> never really challanged for the lead position in search technology.

A directory isn't a search engine, so I wouldn't expect it to do so.

A wiki is also not a search engine... But what I think Jeff is
thinking about isn't so much directly competing in the search space
but instead supplanting the world wide web with the world wide wiki.

It is interesting to ponder the social implications of a massive
switch to highly participatory systems like Wiki...  perhaps
delivering on some of the promises that people used to promote
'blogging'...  In any case, it's interesting.. but off topic.

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