[Foundation-l] Resignation

Angela Beesley angela at wikimedia.org
Sat Jul 1 16:39:19 UTC 2006

Dear Wikimedians,

I have decided resign from the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation.

There are many reasons behind my decision. Overall, it's not because
I'm unhappy being involved with Wikimedia, though I am concerned about
certain events and tendencies that have arisen within the organisation
since the start of this year. I would prefer to be involved in
Wikimedia from a different angle rather than focusing my attention on
Board matters. I'm certainly not leaving -- just leaving the Board. I
still intend to be involved with editing the projects, and with the
formation of the Wikimedia Australia chapter, and, if the
opportunities still arise, I hope to continue promoting the projects
at conferences and other events.

It's been a great two years and I've enjoyed the role, but the
collaborative consensus-based nature Wikimedia had before the start of
this year continues to deteriorate and it's no longer an environment I
can work effectively in.

My resignation will be effective upon the election of my successor.
Elections will be held in September, and the planning for those should
begin immediately. Discussions are currently underway about general
restructuring of the Board, and it is possible more positions will be
available by the time the election starts. I would like to encourage
anyone who shares the Foundation's goal of distributing free content
to become more involved in the organisation and to consider standing
in the upcoming elections.

There are a lot of changes planned to the structure of the Foundation
but I'm confident Anthere and Jimmy will manage those well and in
accordance with what is best for the projects and the communities
behind them.

Please contact me offlist if you have any questions.


Angela Beesley
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

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