[Foundation-l] This is not an Advertisement

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 28 19:15:13 UTC 2006

--- Dedalus <dedalus at wikipedia.be> wrote: 
> Somebody else mentioned the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It's in the
> press they would like to raise the level of primary and secondary education
> in the US. Wikiversity and or Wikibooks might be helpful in raising the
> level of education there and elsewhere. Suppose the Bill and Melinda Gates
> Foundation would like to grant some money to WMF on the condition that it
> would be for specific projects, e.g. Wikibooks or Wikiversity, would that
> raise any objections by anyone?

Not by me. Also, the charge that the current message is an advertisement sounds bizarre to me
since no product or service is even mentioned, let alone pushed. 

The message is simply an acknowledgement of a very generous donation that is linked to the amount
of money our readers can give in a day; this is an inducement to donate. It is NOT an inducement
to buy any product or service of Virgin Unite or the Virgin group of companies. 

This is no different than the sponsorship messages seen or heard on the non-profits NPR and PBS. 
> In short, I believe Brad Patrick and his team are doing a perfect job to
> keep the WMF and the websites up and running.


-- mav

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